Embedded Widget in ServiceNow Service Portal

Embedding a widget within another widget could easily be done in ServiceNow Service Portal. In this piece, we will be exploring the widget HTML element and spModal class to develop parent and nested widgets: Fictional Character Change Request widget that embeds Selected Fictional Character widget, and a modal page that holds the Fictional Characters widget. …

Execute Asynchronous Functions in ServiceNow Widget

Executing a single or multiple asynchronous functions and use their responses once they are all completely processed could easily be performed in ServiceNow widget using AngularJS $q constructor. In this piece, let us create a basic widget that performs both a single asynchronous call to a Scripted API, and multiple asynchronous calls to distinct Scripted APIs …

Communication Between Service Portal Widgets in ServiceNow

In this piece, we assume that you have read already our previous notes on Service Portal Widget in ServiceNow .  This time, we will add another widget that communicates with our User Information widget in our previous piece. Our new widget, Select User will simply provide a facility to select a user to be displayed in …